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d3jsp Forum Index
Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Statistics Overview
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Most Viewed Topics Number of new topics by month
Most Active Topicstarter Top Smilies
Most Interesting Topics     -      Least Interesting Topics Top Shoutbox Posters
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Fastest Users Cash
Top posting users this month Arcade Activity Stats
Number of new users by month Activity Mod [Top 10 All Time High Score Players]
Top posting users this week Activity Mod [Top 10 Players]
Most Active Polls Activity Mod [Top 10 Games]
Most Active Poll Starter

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Most Active Forums
Rank Posts Topics Forum Category Description
1 396324 31172 Polska D3jsp Discussion Forums
2 289898 37287 Selling and Trading General Selling & Trading Forums Sell or Trade Anything you want here (as long as it's legal) No locked users Permitted to use this forum.
3 170583 7269 Battlefield Battle Grounds Behave yourselves - THIS PLACE IS NOT MODERATED, ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
4 60045 4531 General Chat D3jsp Discussion Forums Anyone can chat here, any questions? Any concerns? Welcome!
5 29630 4803 USEAST Ladder Trading Games
6 24811 5933 Diablo III Trading and Discussion Games
7 23920 2547 Rules, Support, and Suggestions D3jsp Discussion Forums Post or read in here if you have any questions about using the forum
8 19067 273 Deutsch D3jsp Discussion Forums
9 16301 3070 USEAST Trading Games
10 12608 1889 General Games Games Come here to discuss any games

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Most Active Topics
Rank Replies Topic
1 45618 The FIFTY THOUSAND posts game
2 14123 Team Jaja ain't nothin' to with.
3 9460 Deutsches Topic
4 5645 T.W.A.T
6 3337 WTS D2JSP Forum Gold InstantDelivery ✅Trusted Seller✅
7 3122 The word game _Read Page 1_
8 2803 aint one anymore
9 2689 post here your funny s**t
10 2477 Sup virgins!!

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Most Viewed Topics
Rank Views Topic
1 445161 The FIFTY THOUSAND posts game
2 426653 Deutsches Topic
3 275470 Hot Babe Thread!
4 271211 What are you listening to?
5 211062 Donate for Me!
6 205771 Picture Thread!
7 205405 T.W.A.T
8 199010 WTS D2JSP Forum Gold InstantDelivery ✅Trusted Seller✅
9 193275 How did u find this site
10 147815 post here your funny s**t

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Most Active Topicstarter
Rank Username Topics Percent Graph
1 Michald13 2383 2%
2 RozpalonyMareczeg 1417 1%
3 Pan_Jezus 1300 1%
4 happyguy44 1169 1%
5 Nate 1125 1%
6 Cinemax 1071 1%
7 Pekin 1053 1%
8 rotto 1002 1%
9 NoCze 957 1%
10 Satan 920 1%

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Most Interesting Topics     -      Least Interesting Topics
Rank Rate (views/messages) Topic   Rank Rate (views/messages) Topic
1 34491.67 你好 有中国朋友吗 1 3.90 Team Jaja ain't nothin' to with.
2 23110.00 Buying and Selling fg legally on d2jsp 2 9.76 The FIFTY THOUSAND posts game
3 15276.50 Use these programs at your own risk 3 14.38 Marian prawiczku
4 15238.50 WTS - D2jsp Forum Gold 37.000 4 14.38 Grzejnik
5 12880.50 [D2NT] Diablo / Baal Leech Fighter Bot 5 14.38 potrzebuję płaszczyka/kurtki na jesień
6 12787.50 Anyone here from Greece 6 14.38 Dodali nowy patch 1,13d
7 12377.50 Avoid Fake Meds & Check Warn Logs!! 7 14.39 INTERNECIE POMOZ
8 11870.00 [Halloween Sale] 5k FG - 60USD 8 14.39 uzytkowniku czerstwyroman
9 11286.00 hey 9 14.39 mam juz bfa 3, screen w srodku
10 8910.50 A word on multiple accounts & content expiration 10 14.40 Wakacyjne Hity 2010

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Top Posters
Rank Username Posts Percent Graph
1 treezzzzz 31031 2%
2 ChronicTacos 30166 2%
3 Moogle 30125 2%
4 Michald13 18035 1%
5 Cory 16588 1%
6 Monia89 14933 1%
7 Kolba 14321 1%
8 CaRe_PoLiCe 14159 1%
9 megafusion 13900 1%
10 Ne)V(eR 13017 1%

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Fastest Users
Rank Username Days On Forum Messages Per Day Graph
1 Moogle 5803 5.19
2 ChronicTacos 6042 4.99
3 treezzzzz 6282 4.94
4 CheapFG 703 3.97
5 Michald13 5190 3.47
6 Cory 4807 3.45
7 JohnMarket 1789 2.91
8 Monia89 5189 2.88
9 Kolba 5189 2.76
10 Ne)V(eR 5178 2.51

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Top posting users this month [May 2024]
Rank Username Posts Percent Graph
1 CheapFG 50 53%
2 JohnMarket 35 37%
3 LucaService 5 5%
4 Blessed-Hammer 3 3%
5 Weyhe04 1 1%

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Number of new users by month
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2007 32 54 84 73 78 110 122 252 184 192 214 223
2008 239 233 245 246 272 596 654 485 410 455 297 284
2009 473 377 462 350 403 413 338 385 355 251 322 367
2010 361 355 450 406 407 378 485 384 289 269 308 443
2011 398 189 262 353 260 270 351 357 248 194 241 332
2012 217 295 222 246 737 1104 568 326 289 386 1471 410
2013 422 486 576 366 449 390 293 339 313 277 1095 245
2014 234 146 199 176 147 156 145 171 143 115 103 417
2015 131 129 153 130 83 110 113 97 93 90 79 122
2016 122 94 137 119 155 182 169 1898 875 2557 2100 1896
2017 1017 614 696 611 430 153 56 56 56 49 60 73
2018 73 85 55 46 8 55 116 112 69 82 61 115
2019 99 107 96 54 68 105 114 90 77 52 74 66
2020 68 70 80 91 73 97 122 84 66 157 97 182
2021 154 128 161 144 86 96 83 96 167 321 194 148
2022 104 118 126 117 250 162 131 119 134 221 322 429
2023 132 87 116 127 109 119 90 112 63 96 58 66
2024 62 77 70 90 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Top posting users this week [Mon - Mon]
Rank Username Posts Percent Graph
1 JohnMarket 2 40%
2 CheapFG 2 40%
3 LucaService 1 20%

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Most Active Polls
Rank Total Votes Topic
1 217 How did u find this site
3 96 mac vs pc!!!
4 95 Who here still plays D2?
5 89 Best gaming system?
6 72 Ranking polskich gildii
7 62 What Race Do You Play ?
8 60 What Realm you play?
9 60 No Rep System for Locked Users
10 58 Photo Album in the Profile?

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Most Active Poll Starter
Rank Username Polls Percent Graph
1 Schoolhacker 80 4%
2 Michald13 55 3%
3 Cinemax 37 2%
4 happyguy44 35 2%
5 Leilani 34 2%
6 Hastner 28 2%
7 Adam 27 1%
8 RozpalonyMareczeg 27 1%
9 treezzzzz 26 1%
10 Tylr 24 1%

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Last Topics
Rank Topic Started Replies
1 Selling Diablo 2 Hacks / mods CHEAP + D2JSP account 24 Apr 2024 03:52 am 0
2 d2r pvp triggs 20 Apr 2024 03:58 pm 0
3 Mamy z fifim dziewczyne ^^ 20 Apr 2024 01:41 pm 0
4 ItemForge Shop: Resurrected D2R / Project Diablo 2 PD2 / POD 18 Apr 2024 09:25 am 0
5 What is Artvigil 150 Mg? 15 Apr 2024 11:44 pm 1
6 What is Artvigil 150 Mg? 15 Apr 2024 11:43 pm 0
7 *SELLING D2JSP FG *$7.00 PER 1K * INSTANT DELIVERY 15 Apr 2024 11:20 pm 0
8 Sell d2jsp accout 13 Apr 2024 04:04 am 0
9 Selling d2jsp golden account... 2004 with 30k+ posts, solid 11 Apr 2024 12:48 am 0
10 Buy and Sell FG 24/7 - All Major Payments Accepted 02 Apr 2024 09:19 pm 1

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Number of new posts by month
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2007 153 2413 4752 2829 1332 1004 1996 2853 1951 1811 2328 2391
2008 1611 1382 1185 693 472 7641 14028 9024 7461 15691 11859 6003
2009 8506 7024 10581 11416 4625 10825 5844 14236 6786 3133 3438 4206
2010 5947 14186 34885 29038 25195 30178 43075 41968 26981 31318 31634 39946
2011 43910 29239 28561 25893 25837 23635 22827 26126 28002 15144 18988 24711
2012 19846 18014 10691 11084 16170 23118 17493 13886 11975 11504 11595 9588
2013 13301 9802 9801 8195 6564 5873 6218 5684 6779 12392 6114 5696
2014 5984 5093 4327 3516 3226 3962 4165 3639 2391 2543 1589 2405
2015 2481 24203 2296 3921 1341 1650 1910 1144 1237 1075 878 1266
2016 1836 1314 1394 982 752 861 1477 583 527 726 940 567
2017 781 782 672 456 432 579 572 362 503 459 614 518
2018 477 426 229 183 103 376 332 400 301 499 335 421
2019 578 703 408 213 231 689 359 296 237 186 179 243
2020 286 358 579 577 787 635 403 374 323 349 274 361
2021 462 380 574 990 388 308 346 275 299 819 614 799
2022 543 339 438 366 595 521 619 504 290 342 323 263
2023 268 214 320 231 345 338 245 178 127 245 296 1362
2024 208 134 210 224 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:10 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:10 pm
Number of new topics by month
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2007 64 360 567 370 180 187 395 415 229 160 359 328
2008 300 191 142 78 98 895 1586 973 878 1196 796 650
2009 926 858 1079 1340 690 903 665 988 602 396 480 608
2010 602 1239 2843 2262 2138 2494 3775 3643 2402 2556 3288 3647
2011 3719 2651 2612 2450 2253 1836 2355 1595 1296 1355 1720 2277
2012 1808 1684 1156 1379 1988 3280 2152 1567 1460 1510 1781 1348
2013 1605 1312 1487 928 999 1053 896 889 723 859 1072 973
2014 747 553 540 440 405 729 536 555 312 327 285 601
2015 350 376 286 235 208 226 267 208 226 198 153 219
2016 261 189 236 158 176 200 211 580 194 196 137 138
2017 104 136 102 78 73 121 121 77 113 64 82 91
2018 130 81 73 53 28 100 94 104 101 187 85 154
2019 143 84 91 73 66 97 67 88 30 26 35 40
2020 51 67 47 112 118 81 76 55 37 42 40 57
2021 68 50 73 100 60 43 44 66 84 204 112 170
2022 96 60 51 52 180 93 35 34 19 30 21 23
2023 27 27 46 44 51 109 37 22 10 20 19 32
2024 9 9 13 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Top Smilies
Rank Uses Smiley Image Smiley Code Percent Graph
1 79886 biggrin.gif :D 25%
2 56784 smile.gif :) 18%
3 31450 sad.gif :( 10%
4 26371 tongue.gif :P 8%
5 17567 derisive.gif ;) 5%
6 15414 wub.gif :wub: 5%
7 12576 sleep.gif -_- 4%
8 11552 ohmy.gif :o 4%
9 10051 mad.gif :angry: 3%
10 9807 happy.gif ^_^ 3%

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:11 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:11 pm
Top Shoutbox Posters
Rank Username Shouts Percent Graph
1 Cory 14121 7%
2 Nate 6745 4%
3 Cinemax 6186 3%
4 Tylr 5859 3%
5 happyguy44 5483 3%
6 Schoolhacker 4477 2%
7 Danny 4088 2%
8 HotZhot 3891 2%
9 Ricky 3799 2%
10 Braindead 3332 2%

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 10:11 am Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 04:11 pm
Private Messages
March 2024 April 2024 30 days Past 24 hours Past Week Send Read New Saved Inbox Saved Outbox Unread
22 1 13 13 1 1202123 235987 243895 8404 5857 103

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Rank User Forum Gold
1 Vassago 18255.34
2 Cinemax 12885.33
3 Cheetah 11819.44
4 Moogle 11123.22
5 Bho1417 10750.50
6 ChronicTacos 10710.88
7 treezzzzz 7869.93
8 UzAt 5897.50
9 Anabola 5245.60
10 Heineken 5017.66

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Arcade Activity Stats
Statistic Value
Best Player at d3jsp bongogocrazy
   With 888 1st Places.
Favourite Game at d3jsp 1055 kail   Played 6,244 Times.
Total Games Avaliable: 7,613
Total Games Played: 120,692
Total Comments Left: 68
Total Ratings: 113
Total Monthly Highscores: 22,010

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Activity Mod [Top 10 All Time High Score Players]
Rank Username All Time Highscores
1 bongogocrazy 886
2 miss26150 342
3 headgear 341
4 steelerzgirl73 325
5 Flipped 272
6 Ac3sOv3r 260
7 happyguy44 249
8 Ironic 207
9 Timothy_N 206
10 doodlehead 201

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Activity Mod [Top 10 Players]
Rank Username Current Highscores All Time Highscores
1 bongogocrazy 888 886
2 miss26150 344 342
3 headgear 341 341
4 steelerzgirl73 327 325
5 Flipped 273 272
6 Ac3sOv3r 260 260
7 happyguy44 251 249
8 Ironic 206 207
9 Timothy_N 206 206
10 doodlehead 201 201

Last Update Time: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm Next expected Update: 13 May 2024 01:55 pm
Activity Mod [Top 10 Games]
Rank Game Plays Percent Graph
1 1055 kail 6244 5%
2 Eskiv 2445 2%
3 Slingo 1759 1%
4 Kab00m 1635 1%
5 CarfairGC 1457 1%
6 Slingogolfibpg 1397 1%
7 Ballatrack 1376 1%
8 ValentinerGC 1281 1%
9 Kitten Cannon Ste 1228 1%
10 100 meters 1059 1%

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